The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Oil

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One of my favorite sayings is “the squeaky wheel gets the oil”. It applies to everything – including films.

Over and over again I’ve been frustrated with the images or lack thereof of Black women on the big screen. Like many of you I’ve longed for universal stories with lead characters who happen to look like me and wondered why Hollywood has refused to do anything about it despite the many “squeaky wheels” expressing my exact sentiments.

Then I realized that perhaps to the major studio’s we are not perceived as squeaky wheels at all! For example, we will go out en masse to the support the latest blockbusters, indie films and romantic comedies that take place in a world where Black women either do not exist or exist solely to fulfill some sad stereotype. So it is completely understandable for the Hollywood big shots to keep doing what they’re doing all the way to the bank!

However, my point is not to discourage you from spending money on movies you want to see simply because the lead characters aren’t Black. My point is that if you want the “oil” you’ve got to squeak with your dollars!

That means supporting movies with black women that do not paint us all with one broad stroke of the paintbrush. It can also mean supporting those catering to you by spreading the word to others who may just not be aware of these films that lack the millions in P&A to market themselves!

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